Research News
See below for the latest news from our reserach group
See below for the latest news from our reserach group
Congratulations to Junyi, way to go!
George Gunter defends his Ph.D.
Junyi shared his reearch story on stop-and-go waves to a broader audience!
Congratulations to Junyi!
Derek Gloudemans, I-24 MOTION computer vision researcher, defends his Ph.D.
Ten days of vehicle trajectory data are now available for download by the transportation research community
A comprehensive article detailing the I-24 MOTION testbed has been published in a major transportation journal
Yanbing Wang, I-24 MOTION researcher, defends her Ph.D.
The majority of servers that will power the I-24 MOTION computing cluster have been delivered.
Vanderbilt and TDOT present on I-24 MOTION and what it means for CAV data to a webinar crowd of over 150.
Multiple parallel efforts are underway to complete construction and integration of all I-24 MOTION systems ahead of September delivery.
In collaboration with the Southwest Research Institute, we are developing an AI-based decision support tool that will be used for corridor management on I-24.
Funding secured along with our partners from the Tennessee Department of Transportation and the Southwest Research Institute.
Yue Hu, Will Barbour, and Dan Work co-author article on potential traffic impacts of transit reluctance in Covid-19 era
Yue Hu and Yanbing Wang presented at NuerIPS 2019 workshop on Automatic Data Cleaning for Urban Sensor Networks.
Dan Work, Will Barbour, and colleages from Vanderbilt and VECTOR are featured in an article on the future of urban transportation.
Will Barbour presents on bike infrastructure planning at STEM day hosted by Vanderbilt ASCE student chapter.
VECTOR presents research on resiliency, micromobility, and autonomous vehicles to Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce.
Undergraduate student Nicole Gloudemans presented her work from this summer and fall at the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Fair on September 19th. Nikki's presentation highlighted the custom 6-camera mount she designed, prototyped, and tested this summer to advance the lab's computer vision research efforts.
Undergraduate researchers present posters on their summer projects.
Will Barbour teaches Sensors and Big Data Analysis at Vanderbilt Summer Academy for gifted high school students.
Will Barbour and Dan Work co-author mobility op-ed in Tennessean with Vanderbilt colleagues
Will Barbour presents 'Data reconciliation of freight rail dispatch data' at the International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis.
Will Barbour, Derek Gloudemans, and Yanbing Wang are awarded Eisenhower Transportation Fellowships from the USDOT.
Will Barbour and Prof. Work present at IEEE ITSC 2018 on reinforcement learning, smart rail transportation, and deep learning for rail ETA estimation.
Work and Stern attend US-German workshop in Washington, DC
Congratulations to Raphael!
George Gunter presents research findings
Vanderbilt's dockless bike share pilot program and the analytics performed by Ph.D. student Will Barbour received the Sustainable Transportation Award from Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation and Department of Transportation.
Raphael featured in IPAM newsletter
Professor Dan Work and students Will Barbour and Derek Gloudemans attended the Array of Things User Workshop at Argonne National Lab on August 29-30.
The Integrated Transport Research Lab at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm organized a summer school on smart cities.
Led by Ph.D. student Rafi Stern, we teamed up with Ford at the Michigan Proving Ground to test 36 adaptive cruise control vehicles.
Vanderbilt looks for insight from dockless bike share. Analytics performed by Ph.D. student Will Barbour.
Prof. Benni Seibold (Temple) and Prof. Work gave a tutorial on the mathematics of phantom jams.
PhD alum Yanning Li gives a tour of Hyperloop One.
Prof. Benni Seibold delivers lecture, gets overview of latest vehicle technologies.
Prof. Junho Song visits the lab to share ideas on resilient infrastructure.
The project, ModEling autonoMous vEhicles iN Traffic flOw (MEMENTO) is a collaboration between the NeCS lab at CRI Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes and our team in Vanderbilt.
Prof. Josh Peschel visits lab, discusses cyber physical human systems.
Hosted by New York University's Center for Urban Science and Progress, the two-day event spanned a wide array of perspectives on the next generation sensing needed to unlock the potential of smart cities.
Prof. Amr Elnashai delivers Parker Lecture, visits lab.
Opinion piece on the Nashville transit plan.
Congratulations to Will!
Prof. Work received the lectureship for his contributions to transportation engineering and presentation of a lecture on mobile sensing and control of vehicular traffic at the 2018 NAE National Meeting.
William Barbour and Raphael Stern named 2018 Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellows